At Home Remedy and Relief for a Toothache

Toothache Plano, TX

If you are suffering from a toothache, the first thing you need to do is find out the cause of the pain and discomfort. If you know what is causing the pain, you will learn how to relieve that pain. You will also see if it comes with swelling and other symptoms. Keep reading to find out more about toothache relief.

What to do in the case of a toothache

When one’s discomfort comes from minor irritation, the patient can remedy such a condition with a cold compress application and regular saltwater gargling. However, if it is more serious, one might need to visit the dentist and call for help. If the pain and other symptoms persist for over a day, patients should see the dentist. They can guide the patient to relieve one’s symptoms and discomfort.

Also, patients should speak with the dentist before trying any home remedy. This is especially true if the patient has a medical condition, is pregnant, or is breastfeeding. The herbal ingredients in the chosen home remedy might impact the patient’s situation. Here are some home remedies one might want to consider.

Rinse with salt water

Rinsing their mouth with salt water is an effective primary treatment for most people. Salt water is a natural disinfectant. So, it can clean one’s mouth and reduce swelling. It can also help one loosen the debris and food particles between the teeth.

The patient can also reduce the inflammation in the mouth and even heal oral wounds. To make a saltwater solution, patients can mix ½ teaspoon of salt into a glass of lukewarm water. Mix until one can see the salt dissolve. After which, use it as a mouthwash.

Gargle with hydrogen peroxide

Like salt water, hydrogen peroxide can also reduce inflammation and pain. It can kill all the mouth-residing bacteria. Aside from that, it can also help reduce plaque and eliminate the causes of gum bleeding. If one is aiming to use this solution, make sure to dilute hydrogen peroxide properly. Mix 3% water with 3% hydrogen peroxide and use a mouthwash. Never swallow the solution.

Try peppermint tea bags

The good thing about peppermint tea bags is that one can use them to soothe the sensitive gums and numb the pain. The patient will be using a used tea bag for this. When applying the tea bags to the affected and aching area, cool down first. The right temperature would be slightly warm.

The patient can also try using this to cool the affected and painful area. Simply put the used tea bag inside the freezer and allow it to cool for a few minutes. When it is chilled, take it out of the fridge and apply it to one’s tooth. It should give patients immediate relief.

Use garlic as a pain reliever

Patients can always buy an over-the-counter pain reliever. But, if they want something organic, garlic is a good idea. It has been widely recognized for its medicinal and antibacterial properties. Aside from that, it can also kill dental plaque-causing bacteria.

To use garlic as a pain reliever for toothache, one needs to crush a clove of garlic and create a paste out of it. After which, spread the same on the affected area. The patient can add a pinch of salt if they want. If crushing a clove is too much work for the patient, one can try chewing a clove of garlic.

Find relief for your toothache

These are just a few of the home remedies that can help you deal with a stubborn and damaging toothache. However, these may just be temporary solutions. To address the root cause of the pain, you need to identify it first. Your dentist can help you with this concern. So, maybe it is time for that overdue dentist visit.

Are you considering toothache remedy in the Plano area? Get more information at

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